Divorce, Retirement Plan, RRSP 09 Jun 2023 RRSPs and Divorce. What are the Rules? We’ve all heard the statistics in Canada. Somewhere around 40 percent of all marriages end in divorce. For those with… Kevin-Barry Henry
Business Transition, Buy-Sell Agreement, Divorce, English, Kevin-Barry Henry, Life Insurance, Partnership 17 Jun 2022 How to Protect Your Family in Your Business Partnerships Lately, I seem to be getting a lot of questions related to business partnerships and buy-sell agreements. As our post-covid… Kevin-Barry Henry
Divorce, Don't Die Until You Do It!, English, RRSP 08 Oct 2021 What Happens To Registered Accounts In A Divorce? This week, we review the sensitive issue of divorce and the division of RRSPs. According to the latest Statistics Canada… Kevin-Barry Henry