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Kevin-Barry Henry

Top 10 documents to include in your Estate Inventory Portfolio

What happens to your estate when you die? Who gets to sift through the filing cabinets, shoe boxes and old coffee cans to find all the important documents you’ve left behind? With a little planning and foresight, you can have everything assembled in one elegant portfolio. It will be a very difficult time for your family, why not make the details just a little bit easier.

An Estate Inventory Portfolio is an essential part of any estate plan and here are the top 10 things yours should include:

1. Wills and Power of Attorney (Personal and Property)
2. Advisor’s contact information (Financial, Accountant, Insurance, Lawyer, etc…)
3. Funeral Instructions
4. Life Insurance Documents
5. Land Ownership Documents
6. Investment Statements (RRSPs, RRIFs, LIFs, LIRAs, RESPs and Non-Registered Investments)
7. Bank Account Information
8. Mortgages/Loans and Credit Card Documents
9. Government Benefit Documents (CPP, OAS)
10. Intellectual Passwords (Facebook, Linkedin, Social Media etc…)

When the time comes, make sure your family knows what your wishes are and where they can find everything they need

Kevin-Barry Henry
Owner, KBH Financial